紅襪隊球迷可能都知道一個以美式幽默著名的球迷網站 DirtyDogs, 2004 年球季甚至被波士頓環球報 (Boston Globe) 買下來, 這網站很奇怪, 提到每個人都不失幽默, 唯獨提到 Nomar Garciaparra 就一口酸葡萄, 類固醇事件吵了幾年, 口水似乎沒噴到 Nomar, 但是 DirtyDogs 不知道已經 N 次把 Nomar 的頭接上 McGwire 等級的身材暗示 Nomar 也是嫌疑犯, 去年中把 Nomar 交易出去時這個網站不斷棒打落水狗, 說他的傷無法復原, 說他冷漠不好相處, 說 Nomar 痛罵 Epstein 無情.....blah......blah
最近他又向 Nomar 噴口水, 說紅襪想給 Nomar 一個冠軍戒指, Nomar 冷漠的回應說 "I don't want it, they can keep it."
結果在 Chicago Tribute 上面, Nomar 卻是大方的接受戒指 :
..."I thought I'd probably get one," Garciaparra said Friday. "Especially after the team voted me a [World Series] share, which was really nice."The Red Sox play the Cubs at Wrigley Field on June 10-12, but the presentation is likely to be done earlier. There are no set rules on who is entitled to get a World Series ring."Kevin Millar [said] he was a rookie with the Marlins [in 1997] and played three games and got one," Garciaparra said. "Remember, it's a championship season, not a championship series."
前不久我一直在杞人憂天想誰該有, 誰不該有 ! 誰有戒指, 誰沒有 ! Nomar 最後一句話真是敲醒我的水泥腦袋
身為 Nomar 的球迷, 很遺憾你去年不在陣中, 希望近年可以看到 Nomar 接到最後一個滾地球傳向一壘, 然後.......被隊友壓扁, 不論你在哪一隊都可以