Moneyball 這本書第 12 頁提到 1980 年 Mets 和熱門新秀 Billy Beane 簽約的一件往事..... when the Mets came to San Diego to play the Padres, Jongewaard (Mets 球探) escorted Billy into the visitors' clubhouse. There Billy found waiting for him a Mets uniform with his name on the back, and a receiving party of players: Lee Mazzilli, Mookie Wilson, Wally Backman. The players knew who he was; they came up to him and joked about how they needed him to hurry up and get his ass to the big leagues. Even the Mets' manager,
Joe Torre, took an interest. "I think that's what turned Billy," says Jongewaard. "He met the big league team and he thought: I can play with these guys." "It was such a sacred place," says Billy, "and it was closed off to so many people. And I was inside. It became real."
The decision was Billy's to make.
這是今年 7 月 24 日發生的事....Lars Anderson, the Sox' 18th-round draft choice in June out of Jesuit High School in Carmichael, Calif., joined Kapler and Cora as the opposing batters against Wells and Foulke. The 6-foot-4 first baseman is trying to decide between the Sox and a baseball scholarship to the University of California. A decision must be made before classes begin Aug. 20.
"I want to play, but I also enjoy school, which makes it a tough decision," said
Anderson, who batted .429 with 15 homers this season, earning All-Metro MVP honors from the Sacramento Bee. "It was so much fun today. (Wells) threw a perfect game. I just went from high school ball to facing one of the best pitchers of all time. It's amazing." ...
Lars Anderson 大概是目前加州最紅的高中生打者,隨著他最近左打的長打表現,他在各方預測的選秀順序上位置不斷的前進,他是 2005 年泛美 (Pan American) 青棒賽的國手,在 8 場比賽中打出 .464 以及 11 分的打點,是美國隊得到銀牌的重要功臣,在今年 3 月的
National Classic 青棒賽以 14 支全壘打領先所有加州高中生的 Anderson 再次顯現出他驚人的長打能力,他可堪為全方位打者並且有過人的 bat speed 能打出長打,左打的 Anderson 是一個守備能力普通的一壘手,他主要的價值還是在打擊方面,身為加州高中生他可能在 sandwich round 被選走