星期四, 9月 28, 2006

long-term plan ?

今年季中對 John Henry 13 分鐘的訪談如果嫌太長,就聽最後三分鐘

"We are in a bit of a transition … We really need to make this team younger … We haven't accomplished it yet. This is sort of the first year in moving …in setting things up so that we, essentially in 2008, have very little in the way of…I think we have Papi and very little else in the way of committed salary. So we are very well set up for the future." Henry went on to say that he was surprised at the club’s first place standing at the time.


Epstein told Henry... "The reason the Red Sox never win the World Series is because they're always concerned with what the newspapers are saying," he said. "There's a sort of extreme short-term thinking, always trying to build a super-team that wins the World Series that year. They're way too concerned with the Yankees, the fans, and the media. And now that we've won the World Series, it's a great opportunity to do what's right: ignore all that and build something that will last, something for the long haul."

對照一下 Freddy Sanchez 前不久接受訪問時說的 ....

“The Red Sox do not have a chance to experiment with many young players because they are trying to go to the World Series every year,” Sanchez said. “They cannot afford the ups and downs that you go through with young players.”

Freddy 說的沒錯,近 10 年只有 Nomar, Varitek, Nixon, Hillenbrand, Youkilis 5 個農場上來的先發野手在年年想拿冠軍的球迷面前活了下來,或是說球隊只給他們 5 人機會,這比例真是低

那 2007 會做很大的變動嗎?會給 Pedroia, Murphy ups and downs 的機會嗎?

8 則留言:

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如果 Theo 頭腦清楚的話明年應該讓小將上來練兵,代價就是球迷得忍受 Yankees 07年繼續稱霸美東。今年投手的表現很難想像季末能改善到哪裡去,特別是 Lester 出狀況大概打亂了整個算盤吧。
希望 Theo 能好好利用04年冠軍這張免死金牌,就算是賭神也不是把把都玩,等拿到同花順再來拼就可以了。

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George Kottaras;Jacoby Ellsbury;
Brandon Moss再加上David Pauley&Chad Spann好了

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我的看法是第二段的 Epstein 已經說了,不要太在意球迷和洋基隊的想法,這樣才能全力搞年輕化,今年底其實變化不大,明年的基本陣容現在都已底定了,今年應該不會簽什麼 big name,頂多簽一個先發 ss,因為現在農場沒有 ss

明年初有 Pedroia, Murphy, Gabbard 上來搶 25 人名單,明年底有 Ellsbury, Kottaras, Bard, Moss, Spann, E.Martinez 上來試試看,這些人有一半能活下來就很了不起了

更大考驗是 2007 年底,Schilling, Lowell, Clement, Foulke, Hinske ....都將約滿,到時 payroll 減少 40M,新秀能頂下多少?要簽下哪些 FA 就很重要了 

我很同意 amy 說的,不要對 2007 抱持太大希望

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Bard 能在這麼前面被選,是因為出身名校的他完成度高,不過即使有機會上來也是像去年的 Hansen 試一下而已

Buchholz, Bowden 一個 JC 畢業, 一個高中生,明年應該是 high A + 2A 甚至 3A 然後在 2008 上來

至於 Aramis 他的合約到 08 到期,如果出場數夠還要自動啟動 09 合約,他 07~09 35M 和老爹差不多,擅於算計的球隊會去吃這麼大的合約嗎 ? 

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史上大概還沒有這麼出現過收成這麼好農場,另別提洋基多少也會長出一些solid player,紅襪除了要自己生產五個超低價的超級怪物,還要生產個幾個不錯的球員才真的有平等的立場。


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尤其是看到Philip Hughes
Tyler Clippard
Eric Duncan
Jose Tabata(這個超年輕)


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很同意這點 "對手犯下嚴重錯誤"


接下來一兩年 Mussina, Sheffield, RJ 都將約滿, 又有錢跟你玩下去了

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沒關係吧 我是覺得以後這幾年
應該都會有季後賽玩 不過都是陪公子打球
一輪或是兩輪就掛了 大牌多就贏定了?

結果是洋基拿了一場後三連敗放假 我真爽