星期四, 4月 23, 2009

What's wrong with Ortiz ?

最近很多關於 David Ortiz 的討論,我看了上原浩治主投那場,他面對上原 88~90 mph 的內角直球顯露疲態,Ortiz 被三振兩次,滾地出局一次,三次打席共揮空五球。

FanGraphs 數據來看,Ortiz 的 Line Drive 高達 22.2% 比前三年還高,BABIP 0.300 也顯示運氣因素正常,今年最明顯的變化是 contact% 降到 2002 年以來的最低點 73.4%,即使 contact 其中 IFFB% 突然跳高一倍到 16.7%,大約是生涯平均 (8.3%) 的兩倍!從 Hit Chart 來看,拿他今年數據和生涯最巔峰的 2005 年比較,他最具殺傷力的右邊 Line drive 今年幾乎不復見,對方二壘手也不需移防到草地上了,反而是跟不上球速最可能導致的左側 IFFB 大幅增加。有趣的是他打出許多 Lowell, Mueller 這類右打者擅長的 Green Monster double!

從過去經驗看 Ortiz 的體重從不是問題,體重帶來的粗腰也是他能成為拉回式打者的要件,這樣的數據結果可以解釋為 Ortiz 的 bat speed 變慢,揮空的比例也跟著拉高,即使揮中,運用腰力的拉回球比例也降到新低,最有可能的原因是他的腕傷仍未完全復原。

8 則留言:

Triff 提到...



DLowe 提到...

Dave Magadan diagnosed Ortiz's issue late last week. Ortiz has been cocking his hands into a hitting position too late, the same problem that has crept up on Ortiz when struggles surfaced in the past, Magadan said.

Late last week, Magadan showed Ortiz two pictures, one from last year during a hot streak and one from this year. In the first, Ortiz had his hands back, ready to swing, while the ball was halfway to the plate. In the second picture, Ortiz was in an identical position, but the pitch had nearly reached the plate.

Yesterday, Koji Uehara struck out Ortiz swinging twice, both at fastballs that did not reach 90 miles per hour. "When you're a little bit late . . . getting to the spot where you need to put a swing on the ball, 87 is like 97," Magadan said.

Magadan 也拿上原當案例, 不過他認為是打擊姿勢走樣

DLowe 提到...

K full house ! ortiz..

Alex Su 提到...

這幾場的確又開始出現2007年的反方向撞牆二壘安打(BaseHit off the monster),但是2007那時候老爺的OPS+是很高的。今年是幾乎看不到全壘打,這實在太反常了。到底是為什麼.....

Michael Bowden的投球姿勢實在有夠"逼基",我搞不懂投手教練竟然可以忍受XDDD

DLowe 提到...

Michael Bowden 的姿勢前幾年就曾經是話題了, 我以前有一篇提過

Michael Bowden

Alex Su 提到...

看到他那種姿勢,幾乎是用上半身的力量把球送出去。以印象來講的話,不由自主的會想到Keith Foulke。只是說Keith Foulke的姿勢造成他的快速球只能到High 80左右,這倒是不難想像就是了。不過Keith Foulke似乎是靠變速球在"轉吃"的!?


bonbon 提到...


DLowe 提到...

Ortiz 成績比較

Career : 284/379/546
2008 : 264/369/507

June :310/388/672
